martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study programme

Hi everyone!

Today I am going to talk about some changes that could be made to my study program, so here we go!

Well, this year we changed the building so, I think this is good, but no so good for the next year, because there will be a new career (politic science), so we don’t have so much space in the hall, classrooms, and other places. So, we have to find a solution for this problem, like move on to a new building, like Vicuña Mackena 20.

Another thing I think that could be changed is the mark to be exempted to make the global test, because 6.0 is too much if you think in all the texts we have to read and all the work we have to do. So, the solution about it is drop the mark to 5.5, all would be better.

I think about the curriculum is in the logical order, but I think there are too many stuffing courses, because we have to study the same things in first grade, second, third and fourth. So, maybe, they have to change some courses for a some pre-practice, because is the only way we can see if we are happy with the career or not, so we have time to change it if it’s necessary.

Considering all the things I would change in my career, I think is not too much, but I have a problem with one thing I have a real problem, and it is the environment, because in the last time, it was so bad, I mean, in the university there are a lot of toxic people, so, definitely, that is the only one thing we need to change, with urgency.

I look forward to your comments.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Time to.. TV series!!

Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to talk about my favorite series… so here I go!!
Well, to start, I like all kind of series, drama, romance, vampire, fantasy, including that series where you know are bad, but you still watch them... ajaj

Currently I’m seeing Riverdale (it’s on Netflix), the series talks about a group of teenagers, who makes justice, look for murders and work with the mafia. In this series work Cole Sprouse. I don’t tell you any more about the series because I think is better if you see and then talk about it, but I recommend, you have romance, drama, good soundtrack and a lot of pretty actors.

Another series I recommend is “The 100”, it is an apocalyptic series, that talks about a community who thinks they are the last humans in the universe and live in a space ship, but they are expecting for the Earth, so they send a space ship with 100 criminal teenagers to the planet and inform is fit to live in. In this TV series you have romance, drama, blood, fight.

One of the best TV series is “Outlander” (based in a book with the same name), it talks about a girl who visited  Scotland; she is a nurse in the WWII, and traveled to the past throw the Craigh Na du, and falls in love with an Scotsman, who lives in 1743. I really love this series, because I have all the things I want in a series, love, drama, fights, is a series based in the history but mixes the now with the past, it’s just wonderful!.

I hope you are enjoying my post and I really hope you see some of this series.

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Best place to kill time is...

Hi everyone!
Today I’m going to talk about places to kill time, so here I go!

A place where I love kill time is my room, is my “rinconcito de mundo”, where I let my mind run loose with music at the back, or just see movies or series. Sometimes, Lilo (the cat of the house) comes to my bed and he makes me company.

Another place where I like kill time is in the football field because since 5th grade I play football, is kind of therapy for me, especially when I am stressed or I feel blue, with football I let it go the bad things and bad energies.

Sometimes, when I go to my home in Cholguan and I feel overwhelmed I take a walk in the night to see the moon, the trees, I listen to music, it’s the best thing you can do! Another place where I go in Cholguan is the “ex canopy”, it is next to the river, so I go to see the water and the moon in to the woods. It’s so relaxing and is a very good place to let my mind run loose too.

A good place to kill time is the theatre, I love seeing ballet, love the wardrobe, classic music and all things related with the theatre, especially Teatro Municipal, it is a work of art.

My advice is: wherever you are, let your mind run loose with good music in the back… See you in the comments!

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Mariam like ambassador

Hi everyone!
Today I’m going to talk about my ideal job… Ambassador.

I like to be an Ambassador because I think is an interesting job, where you can visit a new places and cultures. I like international relationships. In fact, when I started to study Public Administration was thinking in Diplomatic Academy, where you can study to be an ambassador, but when I discovered how difficult is to have 5.0 on average, I’m thinking of another option like a master’s degree in International Relationship. 

This year I participated in activity when you have to pretend be a representative of your country in the UN, in my case I was EEUU, and I worked in General Assembly. The name of the activity is MONULAC “Modelo de las Naciones Unidas de Latino America y el Caribe”, it is done in a lot of countries. I knew many people, two girls from Universidad de O’Higgins, one girl and a boy from Colombia, another from Argentina, and some from Mexico. I really enjoyed MONULAC and I learnt a lot of things about indigenous people in EEUU and how UN works.

I hope you have enjoyed my story like I did.

Work hard for a great future!

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


Hi everyone!

Today we are going to talk about music…

If there is something that I may be needing is the music

So, I decided to write about 3 of my favorite genres… Jazz, Folk and old reggaeton jajaj

Jazz, I love to listen to jazz to read or study. Just put a playlist in Spotify and I forget everything that surrounds me. It is so relaxing, and I love it!

Folk, when I am relaxed and happy I usually listen to Folk, put the folk radio in Spotify and let myself go. I started listening to folk with “The Lumineers”, my favorite song is “ho hey”.

And the best for the final, OLD REGGAETON, yes, reggaeton, when I feel blue I listen to old reggaeton and I forget the sadness ajjaja the same with the “cumbias”…

I think the music is the best therapy to get relaxed, or if you feel blue you can feel better with the music.

So, I invite you to enjoy the music, and get carried away and live the moment with a good song.
Here's one hit...

I look forward to your comments and questions.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

September break

Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to talk about my holydays last September break. So here we go!!

Ok, like all of you know, in Chile we celebrate the independence on September 18th, and this year this holyday was so long, the longest in the last years. I returned  home, in Yungay, to stay with my family. My sister Ghiren had a great idea to sell “pajaritos” or “chilenitos” (have different name but is the same), sweet bread with merengue on top, to Manuel’s cousin, Paula (Manuel is her boyfriend), and with my mom, we had to help in the kitchen, doing the merengue, or cleaning. And some days in the week we had to go to Concepcion to deliver the product so when all the things were over, we went to Tumbes to eat seafood, the food was amazing! I love clam with cheese, in Tumbes I ate a large dish, I was so happy.

Was a great day with my family in Tumbes.

Looking forward for your comments!! ;)

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018


Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to talk about a country I’d like to visit, and it is…


When I hear Turkey, I immediately think about my step sister, Zeynep, who stayed in my house for a year, and when I talk with her, we always promise to see each other again.

The first thing I wanna do is meet Zeynep’s family, because she talked a lot about it and sounded interesting and fun, specially her cousin.

 In her city, I wanna visit a theater, and see a play or a ballet, or something interesting and cultural. Another thing I wanna do in Turkey is drink coffee and read my fortune in the cup, obviously, take the coffee with Turkish sweets.  

Turkey has a lot of tourist attractions and I wanna go to all the places hahaha and make the travel with my step sister is the best thing, because she can translate for me, and teach me a little.              

Looking forward for your comments