martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

September break

Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to talk about my holydays last September break. So here we go!!

Ok, like all of you know, in Chile we celebrate the independence on September 18th, and this year this holyday was so long, the longest in the last years. I returned  home, in Yungay, to stay with my family. My sister Ghiren had a great idea to sell “pajaritos” or “chilenitos” (have different name but is the same), sweet bread with merengue on top, to Manuel’s cousin, Paula (Manuel is her boyfriend), and with my mom, we had to help in the kitchen, doing the merengue, or cleaning. And some days in the week we had to go to Concepcion to deliver the product so when all the things were over, we went to Tumbes to eat seafood, the food was amazing! I love clam with cheese, in Tumbes I ate a large dish, I was so happy.

Was a great day with my family in Tumbes.

Looking forward for your comments!! ;)

6 comentarios:

  1. I love that region, what a good vacation and what a good date to go out :D

  2. I look further to visit this region it seems beautiful !

  3. Hi, Mariam. I expect that you had enjoyed a lot

  4. These places are very nice, I would like to go some day!

  5. Hi Mariam!
    Tumbes looks beautiful! And I love clam with cheese too.
