martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Mariam like ambassador

Hi everyone!
Today I’m going to talk about my ideal job… Ambassador.

I like to be an Ambassador because I think is an interesting job, where you can visit a new places and cultures. I like international relationships. In fact, when I started to study Public Administration was thinking in Diplomatic Academy, where you can study to be an ambassador, but when I discovered how difficult is to have 5.0 on average, I’m thinking of another option like a master’s degree in International Relationship. 

This year I participated in activity when you have to pretend be a representative of your country in the UN, in my case I was EEUU, and I worked in General Assembly. The name of the activity is MONULAC “Modelo de las Naciones Unidas de Latino America y el Caribe”, it is done in a lot of countries. I knew many people, two girls from Universidad de O’Higgins, one girl and a boy from Colombia, another from Argentina, and some from Mexico. I really enjoyed MONULAC and I learnt a lot of things about indigenous people in EEUU and how UN works.

I hope you have enjoyed my story like I did.

Work hard for a great future!

7 comentarios:

  1. Super interesting, when I entered university I also wanted to become an Ambassador :)

  2. I also like international relations :), I hope you can enter the Diplomacy Academy

  3. Hi Mariam!

    I think that your ideal job is amazing!! And your MONULAC experience sounds great!!


  4. I love international relations, I would like to enter the diplomatic academy.

  5. can visit a new places and cultures is very cool!

  6. That's cool!! I'm sure you will be an amazing ambassador :)
